Fish Plants Animals
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Welcome to the new look ANGFA Aquatic Survey database
Survey entry has been enhanced by the addition of a "smart" searchbox to make selections easier.
You just start typing in the names (or part thereof).

Data entry navigation for site / survey entry has been improved.
When entering data for sites, a dropdown list of all of the official drainage basins for the state is now available. Maps of the states drainage basins are also available.

A list of the most recently entered surveys is now at the base of the "Statistics" area.
The search results for fish / animals & plants now shows as a family / genus / species tree.

Number of Fish 626
Number of Animals 224
Number of Plants 288
Number of Surveys 517
Recent Additions...
SurveyWater Body
2022-04-29 Wonboyn Lake
2020-11-30 Georges River
2020-05-29 Ferguson River
2020-05-05 Burtons Creek
1996-09-27 Lake Eacham