ANGFA Aquatic Animals Database Photos
These images are the property of the authors who have kindly made them available for the use of ANGFA. If you wish to use these photographs, then you must obtain permission from the image owner.
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   Pictures 17 - 32 of 194 Page 2 of 13   

Australatya striolata Never Never Ck

Australatya striolata Red colouration

Australimnadia gigantea

Austrochaperina adelphe

Austropeplea lessoni

Austropeplea lessoni Piles Ck

Aythya australis Male

Bubalus bubalis

Bufo marinus

Bufo marinus Dunk Is

Burhinus grallarius

Canis lupis dingo

Carettochelys insculpta

Caridina gracilirostris

Caridina longistrostris

Caridina mccullochi
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